I started to read Nick Henchie's article "Redmond's recipe for fudge" (6 December 2002, page 46) with some trepidation, as I have not previously agreed with many of his pieces on adjudicators' decisions.
However, my fears were allayed. In his opening paragraph, Henchie expressed some sympathy for adjudicators.

Furthermore, as a practising adjudicator, I found myself agreeing with many of his views.

In particular, his opinion that "an adjudicator is appointed to resolve disputes". Quite right, Nick. A decision, or a partial decision, can be reached in 28 days. I am not in favour of an adjudicator only issuing a partial decision; in my view this should only be done where discreet issues of the dispute are technically complex and are unable to be resolved within the adjudication timeframe.

Henchie's final comment is that parties and their representatives should "assist adjudicators in their difficult role". I, and my fellow adjudicators, fully endorse this rallying cry.