The Council worker strikes that delayed non-urgent housing repairs and closed council offices across England, Wales and Northern Ireland last week are set to be repeated next month
The striking workers included housing officers. Some 750,000 town hall staff took part in last week's action, which caused chaos across local government, protesting against a 3% pay increase.

Essential services such as care homes remained open.

The three main local government unions – Unison, the GMB and the T&G – have agreed to hold a second national day of industrial action on 14 August. Unison national local government secretary Heather Wakefield said: "In the face of the employers' failure to re-open negotiations, we are escalating our campaign. Our door remains firmly open but the employers must be in no doubt that something significant has to come from them to prevent this action."

Council employers say the 6% pay hike proposed by the unions would cost council tax payers an extra £80 each every year.