Roy Henderson, the Home Office's renowned champion of crime reduction measures, has thrown his full support behind the London Borough of Ealing's £600,000 CCTV scheme – claiming it's "the very best" he has seen to date.
The civil servant was speaking alongside chief superintendent Peter Goulding at the official launch of Ealing Borough Council's new CCTV Control Room and emergency planning suite, located deep in the heart of the Town Hall. Essex Police are trialling a facial recognition system that will automate the process of matching suspect images from CCTV and composite sketches with an extensive database of over 160,000 images of known criminals.
Designed by the Borough's dedicated security systems manager, Steve Dunham, the Control Room contains banks of JVC monitors that receive pictures from the 255-strong Borough-wide array of TK-C1480 Super Lolux cameras.
The system hit the headlines late last year ('Dunham backs use of Ealing Bomber footage', News, Security Management Today, November 2001, p7) when it captured a Real IRA terrorist planting a 900 lb car bomb that wreaked havoc in the main shopping area.
The system was supplied by Securicor Information Systems, and uses the Visionics FaceIt facial recognition software.
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