In the first quarter of 2003, construction output experienced a mixed bag of growth and decline, suggesting that growth will continue this year, though not at the rate that was enjoyed in 2002
  • According to the DTI's latest output figures, the total volume of construction output for the first quarter of 2003 was £16.23bn, down 3% on the previous quarter and up 2% on the same period a year earlier.

  • Two new-work sectors saw output rise both quarter on quarter and year on year: public and private housing. However, the industrial and commercial sectors experienced a decline against both periods.

  • The biggest quarter-on-quarter decline was recorded in the commercial sector, at -8%, while year on year it was the infrastructure sector's -13% that was the largest fall.

  • In 1Q03, the public non-residential new-work sector saw the largest year-on-year rise, at 18%, while the public housing sector recorded the biggest quarter-on-quarter increase.

  • Only one R&M sector experienced positive growth compared with 4Q02, and that was public non-residential, up 12%.

  • Year on year, only the private housing and public non-residential R&M sectors saw output rise, +12% and +3% respectively.
