How do you determine the corret air supply volme when designing and hvac system for an office using passive chilled beams and air supply via a floor void?
The correct air supply volume should be determined based on the amount of people in the space. The local standards define the minimum amount of air per person (typically 10 l/s,person). According the latest research studies in Europe, the productivity and well being of people increases up to 20 l/s,person. When passive or active chilled beams are used, it is also important to consider the internal moisture loads and risk of condensation in the space. If the internal moisture loads are high in the space, the primary air flow rate should be high enough, and relative humidity low enough, to keep the relative humidity in the space at a low enough level to avoid condensation. In most of the passive beam systems, the room air is fully mixed and there is no stratification in the space. This is why the calculation of room temperature and relative humidity can be based on the mixed situation.
Building Sustainable Design