Sir John Egan has launched a consultation report on the construction industry Accelerating Change and called for comments from the industry by the end of May. The final draft of the paper will appear in September this year.
Accelerating Change focuses on clients, integrated supply teams and people. It also makes recommendations for accelerating the Rethinking Construction agenda.

In his foreword, Egan comments: "I sense a real momentum for change. The challenge is to channel our combined energies to best effect." He aims to agree to ten or twelve key targets to be included in the final report.

The Construction Best Practice Programme is managing dissemination of the report and says that over 800 copies of the report were downloaded from its website in the first week.

Brian Moone, director of CBPP comments: "We have seen a tremendous influx of calls and e-mails asking for further information on the report. It seems as if the industry is keen to become involved in this crucial stage of the Rethinking Construction process."