www.womenback2work.co.uk offers women who've taken a career break advice, as well as publishing the experiences of those who've been in the same situation. It is practical stuff and even boasts an online drop-in centre if you need specific information. For light relief, it gives (supposed) examples of 1960s men's writing on women of the Cholmondley-Warner, women-know-your-place type.
www.cabinet-office.gov.uk/womens-unit lists the latest of the government's new deals for women. It is good for statistics on gender pay gaps, employee legislation and deals with some heavyweight issues, including sex discrimination and domestic violence. The site also has details of awards for high achievers.
The Equal Opportunities Commission at www.eoc.org.uk has reports on all aspects of women at work. If you feel you are a victim of sexual discrimination, the EOC is on hand to offer legal advice.
Your own profession's institutions. The Construction Industry Council, Institution of Civil Engineers and the RIBA can all offer additional information. Women in Architecture is great for networking and inspiration, and can be contacted by emailing wia@bma.dircon.co.uk.
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