Gleeson's largest contract for June was the Royal Berkshire Hospital maternity ward, worth £112m. The second spot was taken by Balfour Beatty with six contracts worth £108m, and Bovis Lend Lease slipped down two places to third. A total of 157 projects worth nearly £1.5bn were won last month.
On the yearly table, the same four companies kept hold of the top spots, although Sir Robert McAlpine moved from fourth to third, swapping places with Kier.
HOK International maintained pole position in the architects' table while J Sainsbury was once again number one client.
How the tables work
To qualify for the tables, companies must have been identified on two or more projects fitting the criteria below in the past 12 months. Projects must:- be of precisely calculated or confirmed value
- have reached the main contract stage
- be valued at £1m or more
- be in the UK.
This information is compiled for Building by Emap Glenigan, which analyses an average of 8500 construction projects each week.