The government has moved to dampen speculation that the Office of the Deputy Prime Minister could face a further ministerial reshuffle in the summer.
Officials said the team, with Lord Rooker as housing minister, will remain as announced after the resignation of Stephen Byers. But deputy prime minister John Prescott is reviewing aspects of each minister's portfolio with a view to re-allocating them in the summer.

That could mean specific issues such as rent restructuring, market renewal, homelessness and key workers going to other team members than at present.

Junior minister Tony McNulty is currently working on rent restructuring but regeneration is thought to be unallocated as yet.

The housing sector has been disquieted by the uncertainty surrounding the department.

With the government's comprehensive spending review due to be announced next month, experts are intensifying their lobbying but have little knowledge of ministers' views or responsibilities on particular policy areas. "It would be helpful to know who to write to," one said.

An ODPM spokesman said: "Lord Rooker will continue to be responsible for housing and planning but the detail could be changed."