Figures from Office for National Statistics are worse than expected

Preliminary estimates show that the measure of gross domestic product (GDP) decreased by 1.9% in the first quarter of 2009 compared with the previous quarter. The slowdown was the result of both reduced services and production activity.

A report from the Office for National Statistics says that the volume of output in the production industries is estimated to have decreased by 5.5% this quarter. Manufacturing output decreased by 6.2%. Mining and quarrying decreased by 3.4% and electricity, gas and water supply decreased by 1%.

Output of the service industries is estimated to have decreased by 1.2%.

Output within construction decreased by 2.4% compared with a decrease of 4.9% in the previous quarter.

It should be noted that the output survey results used to compile more complete estimates are not available at this stage and the preliminary results are based on a smaller survey of changes in the balance of activity in the industry.