As the existing site was difficult to operate and required a trained individual to manage it, we wanted a system that was flexible in design and allowed rapid content changes.
This was all the more important because the borough of Merthyr Tydfil has suffered prolonged economic and social deprivation following the decline of heavy industry – 11 of our wards are among the most deprived in Wales. A radical approach was needed.
The web design company that produced our new site is called Milan Computing. We liked its product because it offered a high degree of flexibility but was also cost effective. The company's approach was to create a two-tier solution to the issues we raised.
The website had to produce hard information such as association news, emergency telephone numbers, how to report repairs and property details, but it also had to be interactive and managed by the tenants themselves. Part of this is a "what you say" section to monitor feedback and provide a sounding board. Other interactive sections include "your views" and "suggestions and complaints".
For us, this system offers a 21st-century solution to tackling social exclusion and deprivation.
It also instils a sense of community values by involving the tenants.
Housing Today
Karen Courts, financial director at Merthyr Tydfil Housing Association in south Wales, spoke to Mahua Chatterjee
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