Bath council has found a way to refurbish and make the most of historic buildings
In Bath we have a problem in that there is plenty of space above properties, but many of them cannot be converted into flats because they are listed buildings and do not meet health and safety requirements on fire protection.

As a result we had to think creatively; we decided that installing sprinkler systems into the conversions would be a good solution. The sprinklers are both small and sensitive and we have already introduced the system in one of our refurbished grade two listed buildings. We fitted these during the refurbishment, which meant it was more costeffective because the water pipes and maintenance issues could be sorted out beforehand.

The key issue with sprinklers is that they have come a long way from simply showering properties with water. The systems you can get now are more sophisticated and they dampen the premises – which is obviously much better if you are dealing with listed properties. The idea is just as useful for ordinary flats as well, and there is no reason why it can’t be introduced into new-build flats.

At the moment we are awaiting planning permission on three self-contained units which will be used for supported accommodation and we will be using this system in these if we get the go-ahead.

We also hope to use the idea to do up properties that we have had problems working on in the past because of the fire safety issue. This will give us more options in providing affordable properties. It also gives our partners more options. For example, Western Challenge Housing Association has already said it will lease two of the properties that we have earmarked for refurbishment.