1. An above-ground pump or booster set with a suction lift. The design and layout of the suction pipe is critical to prevent starvation, NPSH problems and air entering the suction pipe. The pipework should be constantly falling from the pump to the suction source. No upward loops where air can be trapped. Correct pipework diameter to minimise friction. Good quality free acting foot valve below water level (not spring loaded) with integral stainer. All joints/gaskets and pump seals suitable for negative pressure. Pump selection with low NPSH. Manual or automatic priming facilities. Cut-out to prevent the pump running in the event of loss of suction. In extreme cases a suction interceptor vessel can be used.
2. Consideration should be given to a below-ground submersible booster pump, similar to the SP range, possibly installed in a shroud in the underground tank. This offers the best solution with none of the above problems.
In both cases, consideration should be given to algae growth or foreign bodies in the source liquid which could block pump suction.
Building Sustainable Design