Grass roots support for independent member assessment regime is backed by HVCA Council.
The HVCA Council has recommended that the proposed independent member inspection and assessment regime should be adopted by the membership of the association.

The findings of the latest member consultation exercise on the assessment regime, to which over 50% of the Association's members responded, show a high level of support from firms of all sizes, specialisms and geographical location.

Some reservations have been voiced, such as the additional administrative burden; the extent to which accreditation by other reputable bodies will be taken into account; and the need to market the regime, on an ongoing basis, to the marketplace as a whole.

With these concerns taken into consideration, the Council voted unanimously to recommend the regime for adoption by the membership, along with changes to the constitution necessary to allow its introduction.

HVCA president Robert Stirland said that the introduction of an independent competence assessment was the most important development in the 98-year history of the association. He commented: "[the regime] would further set HVCA members apart from their competitors and serve to enhance their status in the eyes of industry specifiers, customers and clients."

A postal vote will now be held, and, in order for the regime to be introduced, at least two thirds of those voting would have to register their support, on both a one-member-one-vote basis and according to the level of annual subscription paid.