The events of 11 September shook the world but didn't manage to rock the construction industry for long.
According to the Chartered Institute of Purchasing and Supply the construction sector has expanded at the fastest rate for four months in January 2002.

Meanwhile, the DTI has announced that orders in 2001 rose by 2% compared with 2000. While private housing orders fell by 2%, infrastructure orders by 1% and private industrial by 4%, these were more than offset by increases in the public housing, public non-housing and private commercial sectors which rose by 20%, 5% and 5% respectively.

Davis Langdon & Everest reports tender prices for the fourth quarter of 2001 rising by 0·5% on the previous quarter. This represents a significant slowdown in the rate of construction price inflation but still leaves prices 4% higher than the previous year.

Over the next 12 months, tender prices are expected to rise by 2·5-4·5%. Infrastructure work is expected to lead growth, and PFI work should offset a drop in office schemes.