Securiplan has invested no less than £2 million in the construction of a multi-platform monitoring system to support and improve its manned security business. The system has been built using a variety of customised software packages to collect and store information in a central data warehouse which can be accessed by authorised users via the company's Extranet. All security officer duties are rostered on computer. The system is designed to call out to a site if a given officer does not provide a 'check call'. If no call is logged, an inspector is despatched to investigate. This procedure recently saved the life of an officer who had become trapped on site.
West Midlands Police
The West Midlands Police Business Security Mini CD-Rom was developed to help retailers combat crime in the region by taking an active interest in crime identification and its effective management. No less than 20,000 copies of the CD have been produced and distributed in what is the first initiative of its kind in the UK. Self-risk assessment documents and personal safety advice for staff can be downloaded from the CD, which also allows access to the ever-popular Crimestoppers web site.
Over the last five years, Farsight has monitored in excess of 2.5 million video alarms and patrols. At present, the company monitors 80,000+ video alarms/patrols each month from its Peterborough Call Centre. Importantly, Farsight is pioneering the use of e-surveillance – a suite of software applications specially designed to deliver secure video monitoring over IP while at the same time allowing multiple access to the images.
The company promotes an excellent interaction and openness between client and guarding contractor
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