Private sector maintenance costs are continuing to rise faster than those in the public sector, according to the latest edition of the BMI quarterly briefing of maintenance costs.
The BMI private sector index rose by 3·7% between the second and third quarters of 2001, and has risen by 5·2% over the last 12 months. In comparison, public sector costs, as reflected in the BMI health service and local authority indices, are showing more moderate increases. Public sector indices rose by only 0·1% between the second and third quarter of 2001, while in the year since the third quarter of 2001 health service maintenance costs have increased by 3·7% and local authority costs by just 2·7%.
The BMI claim the differential between public and private indices will continue over the next few years as several private sector wage awards have already been agreed at rates well above the general rate of inflation, while public sector wage awards are likely to be closely linked to the Retail Price Index.
The full report – Bulletin 305 BMI quarterly briefing of maintenance costs is priced at £80. For further information contact Alan Cowan at BMI on 020 7695 1500.
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