The BSIA has embarked on a major campaign to raise awareness on domestic alarms with a direct mail exercise targeting 370,000 homes in Birmingham, Manchester, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, Greater London and Glasgow as well as specific crime prevention networks around the country.
Eight BSIA members have funded the campaign, with match-funding from the DTI. The DTI also supported an earlier survey on consumer attitudes to market research, the results of which show that homeowners have a limited understanding of alarm systems due to a popular perception that they do not perform a visible daily function.

Julie Kenny CBE, chairman of the BSIA working group, said: “Statistics show that 30 per cent of alarm owners only purchase an alarm after experiencing a burglary. We hope this booklet will ensure that homeowners plan their home security rather than leaving it to luck.”

A recent BBC Rogue Trader programme also illustrated the importance of sourcing a quality systems installer by highlighting the problems that can arise and the importance of researching alarm systems before making a purchasing decision.

The BSIA’s booklet covers different types of alarms and the benefits provided. It also tackles popular misconceptions and explains the difference between DIY and professionally installed alarms with guidance on how to select a quality supplier. A special section of the BSIA’s website also gives guidance on all aspects of home security.