New Haverford Partnership v Stroot
Elizabeth Stroot had suffered from allergies and asthma since childhood.

From 1992 she rented two apartments in succession from NHP. Both apartments were subject to penetrating dampness and mould growth. In May 1994 a leak from the flat above caused her bathroom ceiling to collapse and water flooded the floor.

During the 21 months she had been a tenant, Ms Stroot had required emergency treatment seven times for asthma attacks, spent nine days as an in-patient and received intravenous steroids 12 times. She claimed compensation from her former landlords.

After a two-week trial, NHP were found liable and Ms Stroot was awarded $1,000,000 for injury to her health and $5000 for damage to her property (subject to an overall 22% reduction). NHP appealed, saying that the proper level of damages should have been $250,000. Their appeal was dismissed.