The latest analysis from Plimsoll Publishing reveals that 86 per cent of the UK security industry is using formal debt to run their company.
For 11 per cent of the market the level of debt is dangerously high.

Borrowing is endemic, says Plimsoll. Only 111 companies in the industry do not carry any debt.

   The average company in the UK security industry is financing around 30 per cent of its assets. Based on an average margin of 3.4 per cent, paying back this debt is a very unlikely scenario given 26 per cent of the industry is currently making a loss. At 90 companies, the level of debt has risen to such a level that even normal business trading has become hazardous. David Pattison, senior analyst at Plimsoll, commented: "Their debts have increased nearly 103 per cent in the last three years and their ability to pay back is under great threat."

  • The Plimsoll Portfolio Analysis 1st Edition 2003 is available by calling 01642 626400.