NAPIT is working with Zurich Certification to develop a scheme designed to certificate the competence of individuals involved in inspecting and testing electrical systems. NAPIT believes that such a scheme will complement company assessment schemes run by the ECA and the NICEIC.
NAPIT technical director John Andrews said: "Although many electrical contractors are competent with installation practices, very few fully understand the inspection and testing requirements as laid down in BS 7671, or indeed the statutory requirements of the Electricity at Work Regulations (1989)."
While NAPIT feels that its scheme underpins the ECA's competence scheme, ECA technical services manager Phil Buckle said: "If industry feels there is a need for individual assessment of competence, the Electrotechnical Assessment Scheme could easily be tweaked."
NAPIT does not endorse the concept of 'competent enterprises' used in the ECA scheme. "We firmly believe that you can only have competent individuals and that every electrical inspector should be able to prove his or her competence and, preferably, be totally independent of the installation or repair process," said Andrews.
NAPIT represents around 100 firms and a total of 500 inspectors. Keith Bramall, technical sales manager of R U Safe has been involved in the scheme's pilots. "We have to raise standards. We find some real horror stories in schools, for example, where the caretaker has done the testing." Phil Buckle remains sceptical: "This would add significant costs to industry but would not improve its safety record."
For more on the proposed scheme contact John Andrews on 07976 921319.
Electrical and Mechanical Contractor