Peabody Trust has appointed Jestico + Whiles and Stock Woolstencroft as lead architects for the £120m redevelopment of Hackney council's Kings Crescent estate in north London.
Arup has been appointed project manager, and another five architects are in negotiation with Peabody Trust to design smaller components of the estate.

Tenants voted in December by a 4-1 margin to transfer the 1960s estate to a consortium of Peabody Trust, Ujima Housing Association and Unitary, itself a joint venture between housebuilder Rydon and social housing contractor United House.

Dutch landscape architect West 8 has drawn up a masterplan in which 210 of the 404 houses will be refurbished and the rest demolished to make way for 670 new-build homes. Half of the 880 homes in the completed scheme will be affordable, the rest will be sold on the open market.

The £120m-scheme will be self-financing with the affordable homes subsidised by sale of the private houses. Peabody claims it is the first scheme of its kind to win tenant approval.