The designs by the British architects will fill two of the plots on Daniel Liebskind's masterplan for the World Trade Centre

Lords Foster and Rogers have revealed their designs for what are possibly the most eagerly awaited commissions of their careers and most famous scheme in the world.

Plans for their respective towers at the Ground Zero site in New York have been unveiled today, alongside a third tower by Japanese architect Fumihiko Maki.

Foster’s tower (second left) reaches to 78-storeys high, while Rogers’ (second right) is 71 storeys.

The designs fill two of the plots on the 6.5 ha Daniel Liebskind masterplan and were commissioned by client Siverstein Properties.

The unveiling comes just two days before the fifth anniversary of the terrorist attacks of 11 September 2001, which caused three towers to collapse.

The road to rebuilding the world trade centre site has been arduous after Daniel Liebskind’s original, more controversial designs were vetoed. Silverstein has also commented that it has been difficult to work with three of the most famous architects in the world on the same project.

The towers will stand next to the proposed World Trade Centre Memorial by Michael Arad.

Lord Rogers's tower will be built first, with construction due to start next year, followed by the tower designed by Maki and then Lord Foster's.