An HBF spokesperson slammed the manifesto policy as "extraordinary", coming from a party that advocates home ownership. He said that if the Tories were to dismiss regional planning guidance, local authorities would be tempted to pander to the 'not in my back yard' lobby in their area." A Conservative spokesperson responded by saying Labour's "Soviet-style housebuilding targets mean that the wrong houses are being built in the wrong places".
He said: "With changing demographics, housing demand will increasingly be for single-person households in our towns and cities, not for executive homes built on green fields in our countryside." The Tory manifesto also claims that Liberal Democrats across the countryside have voted to support Labour's development plans.
It claims a Lib–Lab pact on Hertfordshire council forced through a decision to build 10,000 homes on green-belt land between Stevenage and Hemel Hempstead.
Labour’s Soviet-style targets mean the wrong homes are being built in the wrong places
Conservative Party spokesperson
The Conservatives also believe discretion over local development should be given back to the affected communities, although existing planning guidance would be retained.
Conservative plans are in place to create a protective "blue belt". This would allow councils to impose development controls on rivers, wetlands, lakes, canals, coastline and beaches, as well as protecting them against pollution and mineral extraction.
The manifesto says the Tories would scrap Labour's regional development agencies and channel investment into councils and private regeneration companies.