Planning minister Keith Hill warns that local authorities could fall short of planning applications targets.

The government says that local authorities must do more to speed up the planning process.

Planning minister Keith Hill said that only about a third of local authorities in England were achieving government targets for handling major planning applications.

The target is for all local planning authorities in England to process 60% of major applications in 13 weeks, and 65% of minor applications and 80% of other (householder) applications in eight weeks.

Hill, warned that many local authorities were in danger of missing the 2006 deadline for improvement. He said: “Though performance has improved there is still a long way to go if all authorities are to achieve the targets by 2006/7, which is why we are strengthening our strategy of engagement.”

The government has set up a Planning Advisory Service to provide support for local authorities. This includes an Advisory Panel on Large Applications for local planning authorities in London and the South East where demand is greatest.

The government said it would continue to make its Planning Delivery Grant available to councils to speed up the planning process. The government pledged a £350m PDG for 2003-6.

It also today (Tuesday) published good practice guidance to help councils provide access to planning information.