Eastside & City Developments aim to start work on 3m sq ft mixed use development in Spring 2006.

Nottingham City Council has granted planning for a 3m sq ft of integrated, mixed use development in Nottingham.

The plans by Eastside & City Developments will form part of a masterplan that will eventually see £900m of new developments.

The development known as The Island will include 1,409,065sq m of office space, 1,318,627sq ft of new homes, 126,720sq m of shops and 43,911sq m of bars and restaurants, on a waterside setting.

Jerry Holmes of Eastside & City Developments said: “We are extremely pleased that the City has taken such a positive view of our proposals for The Island.”

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Holmes said that the developer will now focus on reworking the Eastside masterplan in line with the results of public consultation initiatives and the comments of Development Control Committee. A detailed planning application is expected to be submitted in Autumn 2005.

Eastside & City Developments plan to start on site in Spring 2006 subject to planning approval.