CIPD to investigate members alleged to have used the services of now defunct construction industry blacklisting firm


The membership organisation for human resources professionals has launched an investigation into members alleged to have used the services of now defunct construction industry blacklisting firm The Consulting Association (TCA).

A spokesperson for the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD), which has 135,000 members, confirmed it is investigating a number of “members who are alleged to have made use of TCA services”.

Building understands fewer than a dozen individuals are under investigation.

The probe, led by a panel of CIPD members, will examine whether - prior to the TCA’s exposure and closing down in 2009 – these individuals breached the CIPD’s code of professional conduct.

The CIPD has a range of disciplinary powers including striking members off.

Its move is notable because unions have alleged that many firms who paid for the services of TCA have not taken sufficient action themselves.

Labour’s shadow business secretary, Chuka Umunna, welcomed the CIPD’s action.

“This sends a strong message that blacklisting is a completely unacceptable practice and that those guilty of it in the past must be held to account,” he said.