The group alleges that none of the wood used in the Queen’s Gallery is independently certified, and that most comes from illegal logging in central Africa.
Greenpeace also claims the gallery contains Brazilian mahogany from the Amazon rainforest. Brazil banned trade in the mahogany last October.
A Palace spokesperson said: “We will be looking to see if Greenpeace’s allegations can be substantiated.” The spokesperson added there was no proof that any of the timber used in the gallery was illegally logged.
There is no proof that any of this timber was illegally logged
Buckingham Palace spokesperson
Project architect John Simpson and contractor Wates Special Works are helping in the Palace’s investigation.
The allegations are part of Greenpeace’s campaign against the use of illegally logged timber in British construction projects. Thirty-six activists were arrested in April when they occupied the construction site at the new Cabinet Office. They claimed it used timber banned for commercial use.
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