An Italian MEP and Seattle banker are among those invited by John Prescott to speak at next year's Sustainable Communities summit.

Deputy prime minister John Prescott has unveiled a host of speakers for the government's Sustainable Communities summit to be held next year.

The summit, which will be the largest event of its kind in the UK, is being held in the Manchester G-MEX conference centre and will run from 31 January to 2 February.

Speakers will include Professor Mercendes Bresso, MEP, and former president of the province of Turin, Richard Leese, leader of Machester City Council, and Norman Rice, president and CEO of the Federal Home Loan Bank of Seattle. The event will be attended by government ministers, MP's central government departments, and a variety of industry leaders and informers.

Prescott said: "The delivering of the sustainable communities summit will look at the impact of the national and global trends, share best practices from across the world and provide a platform to work with leading experts from the public voluntary and private sectors."