The Institution of Planning Supervisors has respondedto a plan to axe the role of the planning supervisor by arguing they should be given more power.
The plan was put forward by Sir John Egan's strategic forum, and it calls for an overhaul of the Construction (Design and Management) Regulations.

Peter Swinson, the director of the institution's technical committee, said there is no problem with the planning role of the supervisor or the CDM regulations, only their interpretation.

He said a new approved code of practice and guidance for CDM would improve the situation, and that planning supervisors should be given authority to force other members of the team to comply with the regulations.

Swinson said: "A properly trained and competent planning supervisor will contribute beneficially to the whole project."

He added the inadequately trained planning supervisor is seen by clients as a bureaucratic overhead contributing no value other than a superficial compliance with the regulations.

An institution spokesperson added that the body was glad that the shortcomings in the implementation of CDM regulations were at last becoming apparent.

He added that the institution agreed in principle with the strategic forum's view that the regulations were not reducing accidents in the construction industry.

Egan is pushing for the creation of an integrated supply team where safety responsibility would be shared, and risks designed out.