Building’s seven-strong Gloomwatch panel was formed to take the temperature of the ailing construction industry
We ask its members, each of whom represents a trade or profession, to rate their mood on a scale of 0-10, with 10 being the most unhappy. An average of all seven ratings is that month’s “Grimdex” forecast.
This week’s figures come amid the latest forecasts from Experian and the Construction Products Association. Despite some evidence of recovery in the housing sector, the picture from these surveys is gloomy.
Gloomwatch panel member Diane Johnson, director of electrical contractor Northwich, said: “There may be a bit of light at the end of the tunnel for the end of the year … but we just don’t know if that will be a blip or sustainable; 2010 is just looking gloomier than ever.”
The Grimdex rating of 5.9 is, however, a significant improvement on the May sample, which recorded 7.5.
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