Three consortiums led by not-for-profit organisations will submit bids to partner Barnet council in a £100m housing regeneration project.

Registered social landlords Metropolitan Housing Trust, Ealing Family Housing Association and Community Housing have teamed up with architects HTA, PRP and John Thompson & Partners respectively.

The consortiums, which were recently shortlisted, are expected to prepare schemes to regenerate more than 500 homes at the Marsh Lane estate in West Hendon. The project may also include the revamp of part of the town centre.

The flexible brief means that up to 1000 homes may be created as a result of a mixture of new build and refurbishment.

Bids must be submitted by 31 May and the consortiums will make their presentations next month. Bidders expect a preferred partner to be named in June.

A new administration has taken over in Barnet after the local government elections this month, but this is not expected to alter the timescale a great deal.

The West Hendon scheme is part of Barnet council's wider regeneration drive. Earlier this month, it placed an advertisement in the European Union's Official Journal looking for an RSL partner for its £200m Dollisp Valley housing estate scheme.

In the advertisement, the council said demolition, new-build housing and refurbishment were on the agenda.

The chosen consortium will start on the site some time next year. The estate currently comprises more than 600 homes, as well as shops, community buildings and garages.