In this session we will look at Unit 6 of the 1866 level 3 Systems Technical Services, titled Audit Installed Security Systems. The objective of the unit is to determine the technician's ability to undertake and document accurate technical audits for a variety of systems, to recognised industry standards and present findings and recommendations to customers.
There are two elements to this unit.
The objectives of the two element are to:
Undertake Technical Audit of Installed Systems (Element 6.1)
- To assess the technician's competence to undertake a full and accurate technical audit of a variety of systems in accordance with recognised industry standards.
Document Systems Audit Results (Element 6.2)
- To assess the technician's competence to record and report the results of system audits accurately in line with laid down procedures and determine remedial actions within set limits of authority.
Undertake Technical Audit of Installed Systems (Element 6.1)
The performance criteria states what a candidate is required to demonstrate. The candidate must demonstrate the following:
- 1 - Installed systems compliance with specification is confirmed in accordance with procedures
2 - Installed system meets specified technical performance criteria
3 - Installed system meets relevant industry standards, codes of practice and local regulations
4 - Non compliances are identified and recorded in accordance with laid down procedures.
5 - Changes in site details which affect system performance are correctly identified.
RANGE – Type of Installation:
- New systems; Modification to existing systems; adopted systems.
- Service records; operating manuals; system records
- Current industry standards and codes of practice
- As well as covering the range and performance criteria candidates are also required to demon- strate their knowledge in the following areas:
- Current relevant industry standards and codes of practice;
- Company technical audit procedures; Relevant documentation;
- Oral and written communications.
- Candidates require information to enable them to understand the rules which confirm what a candidate is required to do in various situations and how many times a candidate is required to carry out each performance criteria.
- This is as defined in the performance criteria and range on a minimum of two separate occasions supported by trained assessor and credible witness testimony.
- In cases where the candidate does not have the opportunity, through performance alone, to provide sufficient knowledge evidence in support of competence, supplementary oral or written questioning can be used.
- Current standards and codes of practice
- Current company audit procedures
- Observation in the work place by trained assessor, Simulated skills tests, Witness testimony, Oral question and answer.
- All performance criteria must be met in the work place. The exception to this is detailed in 'simulation' below. The principal means of assessment is by observation in the work place.
- Candidates who have suitably authenticated documentation relating to activity during the previous 12 months will be acceptable for one assessment. Oral questioning will be needed to establish candidate knowledge and understanding of the areas listed in the Knowledge Specifications and of those aspects of the range not dealt with through observation.
- Simulations must be realistic, be undertaken over a period of time and not exceed 5 per cent of the required number of work place assessments. Where simulation is not practicable evidence in the form of credible witness statement will be acceptable.
For certain parts of this award it is acceptable for candidates to undertake assessment of performance criteria under appropriate simulated conditions. Any simulations used must accurately reflect a genuine industrial environment and have been agreed with the Awarding Body Partners as suitable.
Assessment must provide sufficient evidence of a candidate's ability to competently execute tasks in the normal place of work.
- a performance criteria rarely occurs, eg emergency services are summoned as soon as possible in the event of situations which are threatening to personnel and property;
- when a function is not carried out in a particular location, eg the agreement and recording of deviations or omissions from the specification;
- it may be too dangerous to assess under normal working conditions, eg the erection and securing of access equipment in accordance with regulations and codes of practice;
- it may be impracticable to assess under normal working conditions, eg the erection and securing of access equipment in accordance with regulations and codes of practice.
This is the second element in unit 6 and follows the same rules as the previous element:
Performance Criteria:
- Non-compliance of system installation is correctly and accurately documented and reported.
- Corrective action is determined, and where appropriate, persons responsible for under- taking such action are identified and notified
- Audit findings are presented in accordance with the laid down procedures.
- Line managers, customers, component manufacturers
- Mechanical faults;
- Equipment siting
- Quality assurance records;
- Work sheets
- Verbal; written
- Knowledge Specification
- Current auditing procedures
- Current reporting procedures
- Limits of authority
- System specification
- Oral and written communications
- Evidence Requirements Performance
- Two separate occasions supported by trained assessor and credible witness testimony.
- 1 - In cases where the candidate does not have the opportunity, through performance alone, to provide sufficient knowledge evidence in support of competence, supplementary oral or written questioning can be used.
2 - Oral questions will be required for: Company audit procedures; Company reporting procedures; Limits of authority
Method of assessment:
- Observation in the work place by trained assessor: Simulated skills tests:
- Case studies: Witness testimony: Oral question and answer
Assessment Strategy (Work Place):
- All performance criteria must be met in the work place. The exception to this is detailed in simulation below. The principal means of assessment is by observation in the work place.
- Candidates who have suitably authenticated documentation relating to activity during the previous 12 months will be acceptable for one assessment. Oral questioning will be needed to establish candidate knowledge and under- standing of the areas listed in the Knowledge
- Specifications and of those aspects of the range not dealt with through observation.
- Simulations must be realistic, be undertaken over a period of time and not exceed 5 per cent of the required number of work place assessments.
- Where simulation is not practicable evidence in the form of credible witness statement will be acceptable.
- For certain parts of this award it is acceptable for candidates to undertake assessment of Performance Criteria under appropriate simulated conditions. Any simulations used must accurately reflect a genuine industrial environment and have been agreed with the Awarding Body Partners as suitable.
- Assessment must provide sufficient evidence of a candidate's ability to competently execute tasks in the normal place of work.
- A realistic simulation, may be 'set up' or enacted away from the work place when:
- a performance criteria rarely occurs, eg emergency services are summoned as soon as possible in the event of situations which are threatening to personnel and property
- when a function is not carried out in a particular location, eg the agreement and recording of deviations or omissions from the specification
- it may be too dangerous to assess under normal working conditions, eg the erection and securing of access equipment in accordance with regulations and codes of practice
- it may be impracticable to assess under normal working conditions, eg the erection and securing of access equipment in accordance with regulations and codes of practice.
Assessment Specification:
This paragraph is common to both elements.
- 1 - All performance criteria must be met at each assessment
2 - Oral or written questioning must reflect the candidate's understanding of the required essential knowledge across the range statements
3 - Documentary evidence must be verified as the candidate's own work
4 - Simulated skills tests must be conducted under realistic conditions
5 - Every opportunity to use the same evidence which supports performance in more than one Unit of Competence should be taken
6 - Where required, nationally set essential knowledge tests must be applied
7 - Credible witnesses are defined as trained assessors, supervisors, and managers who are occupationally competent.
Security Installer