Three young lads who grew up in the same street in Wandsworth, South London, back in the 50s have notched up a combined service record of 120 years working for the security industry… and are still going strong.
At 63 years of age, Ernie Ford began his career at the age of 22, Mike Sandford, now 61, was 21 when he started, and Terry Elliott, now 59, began at the tender age of 20.

All three worked for ADT through the ranks of installer to management, with Ernie also working for AFA and Shield. They later began their own security companies. Terry sold to ADT two years ago and is now a consultant, Mike is joint MD at Harris and Sandford, and Ernie is service manager for Buchanan & Curwen Security.

"We have always socialised over the years at holidays and at our children's births, christenings and marriages. I am sure that the Ferrier Street trio will have more adventures to share before our time in the industry is up," said Terry.