The BRE has undertaken a project to promote the need for good indoor air quality in urban buildings.
The scheme is funded by the Department of Trade and Industry and will focus on external air pollution as a source of indoor air problems.

The project will also look at ways of eliminating external air pollution during construction and operation of the building.

"If properly designed a new building can improve the local environment and provide high quality indoor air," says project manager Dr Vina Kukadia. "As well as benefiting the occupants and those living nearby, it will increasingly be a factor in successful planning applications."

The launch of the scheme coincides with the release of new government guidance on designing urban buildings to minimise the ingress of external pollution and their adverse impact on the urban environment.

The two-year project aims to review the implications of existing regulations and good practice guidance, and look at the likely impact of future regulation. It will also identify what are the potential technical and commercial barriers to good practice.