A solution to a short term security problem has contributed to a long term and dramatic reduction in crime in South Wales.
A portable alarm system in a box has brought peace of mind to elderly people who need short stay hospital treatment.

The system, based around the Scantronic 500r from Cooper Security, protects the homes of elderly people in Merthyr Tydfil, South Wales.

The project, named "Safe and Sound", is run by Safer Merthyr Tydfil (SMT) a charity set up to reduce crime and the fear of crime in the area. It was highlighted when the project manager, Meirion Thomas was judged runner-up in the Security Excellence Awards 2001 organised by Security Installer and Security Management Today. Now the scope of it has been extended and it has contributed to a dramatic drop in crime.

The scheme got off the ground when Safer Merthyr Tydfil were approached by the South Wales police who were finding that old people who needed to go into hospital were often extremely concerned about the security of their homes while they were away.

This could potentially mean that they put off treatment or that anxiety added to the general strain of being in hospital. A security solution to a short term problem was needed Meirion Thomas, Homesafe Manager explains, "We initially approached the project by simply installing additional locks but found that this didn't really solve the problem. Obviously it is not feasible to fully install an alarm system just for the duration of a hospital stay, so we developed a portable alarm system in a box.

He said the system took about an hour to install and because it is wirefree, it is easily removed when the property is occupied again.

"We now have 28 of these kits, each sponsored by the police, local or national businesses, and they are almost always in use. In fact, Cooper Security have recently sponsored a 500r kit themselves, and have generally helped us to get the best value for money from our investment in security equipment".

The kits are installed by the Homesafe team of Graham Hedges, Sean Overbury, Jamie Phillips and Nigel Roberts.

As the Safe and Sound project became well established the police again came to SMT to discuss whether the application of a similar device could help combat domestic violence.

Protection in the home
Safer Merthyr Tydfil discussed with police the specific issues involved in cases of domestic violence. Says Thomas: "We added to the portable kit a panic button, which could be used up to 75 metres from the 500r panel. In addition to a bell box, we also included a speech dialler which automatically phoned three contacts in sequence to alert them to the fact that there was a problem." Interestingly, quite often these contacts did not include the police.

"Sometimes potential victims felt that a police presence could escalate the problem whereas a family member might be better able to diffuse the situation. While victims might put off calling the police until the situation had actually become violent they were happy to call a friend to try and avoid that happening".

"With both of these projects not only was our aim to protect property and indeed people, but to give potential victims back their peace of mind. Knowing that their home is alarmed, or that they have the means to call for help should they themselves be threatened, greatly improves peoples' quality of life."

After the success of these projects SMT soon found themselves in discussions with the South Wales police again to combat the problem of arson. SMT extended their transportable alarm systems to include smoke detectors – usually installed above the front door to detect burning material pushed through the letter box. Clients are referred to Safer Merthyr Tydfil via the Local Authority, Victim Support and other agencies.

"The equipment is left with the client for six weeks after which we review the situation and, if necessary, extend the loan period for another month, but unless there are extreme circumstances we then have to reclaim the equipment, to be used elsewhere, hopefully having successfully helped our client through a difficult time, " said Thomas.

A dramatic cut in crime
Safe and Sound is a project within SMT's Homesafe service which also includes free security surveys and, if necessary, installations, crime prevention advice and free smoke detectors for the elderly. Homesafe was launched in 1995 and since then burglaries in Merthyr Tydfil have dropped from 804 to 339.

As the Home Office estimate of the cost of a burglary is £1,769 and the average cost of a Home Safe fitting is £80, the savings delivered by the scheme so far have been almost £1million. The scheme is so widely acknowledged as a success that SMT appear on the websites of the Home Office, the Audit Commission and the Welsh Assembly as an example of best practice.

"With less burglary happening in Merthyr, police time is freed up to be more proactive in the prevention of crime, this in turn helps to reduce people's fear of crime which improves the quality of life for residents. Long term we feel our work in conjunction with the police and residents contributes to providing a long-term framework for community regeneration," concluded Meirion Thomas. Warren Rees, Managing Director of Cooper Security said he was delighted to be involved in such a worthwhile project. "We have been extremely impressed by the dedication and professionalism of the staff at SMT. Their work is having a genuinely beneficial impact on people's daily lives and shows how well delivered security can have a positive and wide-ranging effect."