Reducing impact and structure-borne sound in buildings
Building Research Establishment
Reducing impact and structure-borne sound in buildings (IP 4/01) is available from the BRE on-line bookshop ( Or contact customer services on 0207 505 6622.
The Building Research Establishment has published an information paper on sound transmission titled: Reducing impact and structure-borne sound in buildings. Sound transmission through buildings is currently the cause of much discussion as the government is proposing to amend the requirements in the Building Regulations which address resistance to the passage of sound. The information paper describes methods for reducing sound in buildings using both remedial and design features. The document is produced with support from the DETR.
Building Research Establishment
Reducing impact and structure-borne sound in buildings (IP 4/01) is available from the BRE on-line bookshop ( Or contact customer services on 0207 505 6622.
The Building Research Establishment has published an information paper on sound transmission titled: Reducing impact and structure-borne sound in buildings. Sound transmission through buildings is currently the cause of much discussion as the government is proposing to amend the requirements in the Building Regulations which address resistance to the passage of sound. The information paper describes methods for reducing sound in buildings using both remedial and design features. The document is produced with support from the DETR.
Specifically, the paper covers design considerations for the minimisation of sounds transmitted through a number of floor types and treatments for existing floors. It covers steps that can be taken to reduce noise from a number of other sources, including footsteps on stairs, banging on doors, electrical switches and sockets, kitchen appliances or plumbing.
Building Sustainable Design