He said: "I welcome the announcement to continue the work of devolving power in the UK.
"But it is now time for the rules surrounding housing policy in London to change if we are to deal successfully with the housing demands in the capital.
"It is only fair that the provisions in the Greater London Authority Act contain the same powers as those for the other regional assemblies."
Aside from the mayor's strategic planning powers, the GLA acts predominantly as coordinator for parties involved in housing provision.
Although its London plan is expected to come into force next year, a GLA spokeswoman confirmed there were no plans to give the body powers to provide housing.
According to last year's white paper Your Region, Your Choice: Revitalising the English Regions, regional assemblies are to get powers to determine housing strategy and allocate resources.
The government reportedly hopes to have the bill approved by Easter, allowing the first regional referendum to take place by 2004.
Housing Today
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