Two hard-hitting reports published by the Oxford Energy Advice Centre and the Association for the Conservation of Energy have poured scorn on the UK's lack of energy efficient buildings.
Focusing on the residential sector, Building in ignorance, by David Olivier, highlights what it states are the weaknesses of Part L of the Building Regulations, suggesting that present standards do not necessarily deliver the performance they promise.

Olivier analyses UK and international standards and claims the figures show that not only is the UK system delivering a poor deal for consumers, but it is also damaging to the environment.

The second report, Flying blind, by Bill Bordass examines the commercial sector and the 'inexorable rise in energy use'.

  The author offers recommendations on fuel consumption reduction, which he believes is only possible through changes in the culture of thinking in design.

Both studies offer numerous recommendations for future policy and approved guidance.

For further information on either publication phone Daniel Waller on 020 7359 8000, or e-mail Alternatively call Liz Reason on 01865 812207.