The Master Locksmiths Association has backed the warnings given by the BBC1 programme Rogue Traders and urged the public to ensure they choose a suitably qualified and reputable locksmith to avoid incompetence and overcharging.
The programme highlighted the scams of unscrupulous locksmiths who take hours to carry out the simplest jobs and pile on the charges, ranging from extortionate prices for locks to exorbitant labour costs.

“We were horrified at the level of incompetence of the tradesmen the programme highlighted,” said MLA chairman Gary Eckersall, whose voice-overs during the programme’s secret filming commented on the work carried out. “Also their complete indifference to providing good value for money, particularly when it came to replacing locks which didn’t really need replacing. Two tradesmen took over six hours and still didn’t finish the job.”

He added: “Locks are often a distress purchase, sold to people who are at their most vulnerable and easy to take advantage of. They need to know that the professional they call out knows how best to do the job, and can get it done quickly and efficiently at a reasonable price.”

Established in 1958, the MLA prides itself on high standards of admission and its emphasis on training, for both old and new members, ensures locksmiths are kept up to date with the latest products and technology.