It is underpinned by a partnership with Oldham council, which launched its own pilot accreditation scheme last week. Its campaign for compulsory registration of private landlords will continue in parallel.
Salford’s scheme involves landlords agreeing to offer set standards of accommodation and management, and allowing staff to vet the housing. In return, they receive a code of guidance, a referencing service to check new tenants, and an advice line.
A pilot in the Seedley and Langworthy area signed up 35 landlords who own 700 properties. Another 105 are interested in coming on board and are waiting to be inspected.
Now the scheme is being rolled out to other areas. The council is looking to target landlords who provide housing for asylum seekers and students, as well as owners of houses in multiple occupation. It estimates there could be as many as 1000 or more private landlords in the district.
Officers from Oldham council completed a review of the pilot, giving Salford an all-important independent assessment.
Oldham’s pilot scheme is modelled on the scheme in Salford, and officers say the partnership has greatly speeded up the launch process.
Salford head of private sector housing John Wooderson said: “The relationship will continue with regular monitoring and we hope to share further development costs. Other areas we could work on together are publicity and landlord training.”
Housing Today
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