Registered social landlord selhal Housing has been put under the supervision of the Housing Corporation because of concerns over its finances.
The corporation has appointed three members to Oldham-based Selhal's board: Anne Ward, chief executive of Dane Housing (Congelton), David Gill, a partner at chartered accountant Moore & Smalley, and Leeds Federated Housing Association chief executive Paul Tennant.

The corporation will not approve any allocations of capital funding while supervision is going on.

A statement from Selhal, the parent company of the Selhal Housing Group, said: "We have involved our funders in discussions to identify possible solutions."

Selhal is working with consultant Hacas Chapman Hendy and said it was involved in "a much higher level of supervisory contact with officers of the Housing Corporation."

The corporation said the group had been placed under supervision following "recognition that it needs to conduct a thorough review of its operations and financial structure".