Cardiff-based Smoke Control Services specialises in the design and project management of complex smoke control systems. Key organisational values are people development, customer satisfaction, innovation, continuous improvement and achievement through partnership. Recognised Investors In People since 1999, all employees have individual training plans linked to corporate objectives and progress is reviewed at quarterly appraisals.
Customer surveys are a key tool used to measure satisfaction. Feedback is publicised on a company intranet and employees are rewarded for exceptional customer service. Smoke Control's design director is a member of the steering group that is currently developing KPIs for fire safety engineering. The company has introduced an ISO 14001 environmental management system in 2001, which is integrated with the existing ISO 9001 quality assurance system.
What an impressive array of best practice initiatives for such a small company
What the judges said...
The runners up
Hall Fire ProtectionFour-times winner of this award, Hall continues to impress with its commitment to: staff development (an Investor in People since 1998); customers (satisfaction surveys are used and 80% of work is repeat business or partnering); sound business development (Hall Fire Solutions was set-up to cater for special risk situations). Pearl Fire & Security
Pearl recently won the Epping Forest Business Excellence Awards for “the company that has consistently delivered high standards of customer care and service by adopting a proactive approach to meeting customer needs.” Pearl is also pursuing Investors in People accreditation. Titan Fire & Security
Titan achieved Investors in People status in 2000. This now forms the framework for all skills review, individual performance objectives and training. The company also set up a customer satisfaction measurement process in 2000, which has led to a formal evaluation system starting in June. Around 55% of work is repeat business
Wilson James
The judges wanted to make a special mention for this firm for its technology transfer of logistics into construction, which has brought clear benefits. Wilson James set out to prove that logistics techniques used in the automotive industry could be applied to construction. The results were there for all to see at Mid City Place, a development for Stanhope in Holborn, London which achieved a build programme of 57 weeks against the contract programme of 68 weeks.
Building Sustainable Design
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