Sleith v Camden LBC
A secure tenant died and no one qualified to succeed him. Mr Sleith asked the council to allocate the tenancy to him because he had been the tenant's carer. The council's policy on carers gave it a discretion to grant a carer a tenancy and identified six factors that were to be considered in exercising the discretion.

The council refused Mr Sleith's request. It was not satisfied that he was the deceased's carer. Even if he was, the council was not satisfied that allocation would be justified in the light of its six factors. It offered Mr Sleith a review. He applied for a review but his request was again refused. Mr Sleith applied for judicial review. The judge examined the council's procedure, reviewed its consideration of the criteria, and scrutinised its decision letters. He dismissed the claim. The council's conclusions had been reached on the available information and were not unreasonable.