Teamwork2000: An experiment in collaborative working

£49.50 plus £3.50 p&p
Contact Beryl Garcka, The Business Round Table, 2 Church Road, Kenley, Surrey CR8 5DU. Alternatively, e-mail, or call 020 8660 1631.

Teamwork2000: An experiment in collaborative working highlights the lessons of the first Teamwork demonstration project.

It shows how through a swift, well-executed demonstration project, expertise in integrated working can be gained and experience taken back to individual member companies.

The first project took place in summer 2000 when a group of architects, engineers and cost consultants participated in a demonstration project, using a real office building.

A computer object model was built and team members were required to make major design changes and work out the ramifications for all parties.

The report shows how through training and practice, team members gained rapid proficiency in exploiting the sophisticated opportunities inherent in the software. It also describes how in a multidisciplinary setting, they learnt how to work in a connected, collaborative manner.

Teamwork members conducted demonstrations on a number of real-world projects. The report shows how successful team-building, data structuring, pre-modelling and modelling, and making complex design changes all played an integral role.