IR120C PIR from Alarmcom - Neat and attractive detector with pet immunity
What our experts say ...
The ideal motion detector for residential and small commercial applications? Well that is how Alarmcom introduces its IR120C PIR. So let's see.

The IR120C employs mirror optics, along with a white light filter and is supplied fitted for a volumetric coverage of 90 degrees out to a range of approximately 12 metres. Pet immunity has been built in for the smaller animals weighing less than 15 kg; for larger beasts – up to 40 kg – a clip is available for masking part of the mirror. Pet gymnastics should be discouraged! A curtain mirror option is also available, giving a range of 20m.

The IR120C has been designed for ease of installation with the electronics and optics attached to the removable front cover. The base has a number of cabling and securing break-out sections which include provision for attaching either a wall- or a ceiling-mounting bracket. The separately available brackets offer a wide range of pan and tilt adjustment. When directly wall or corner mounted, a pull-away section of the base can be secured to the wall using an additional screw; this provides base to wall tamper protection.

The IR120C has four sensitivity settings, enabling the PIR to be set for high sensitivity or the ability to cope with a noisy infrared environment. The appropriate setting is selected by means of two DIP (dual in-line package) switches on the PCB. A further DIP switch permits remote enabling/disabling of the walk test LED. This can be useful for carrying out a walk test in an installation where the LEDs are generally disabled.

The alarm output is given by NC contacts with a 32 Ohm resistor in series. A spare terminal is provided for connecting an EOL resistor. Self-test and voltage monitoring features are included.

While the IR120C is housed in a three-part enclosure and appears as such, from an installer's point of view, it works as a two-part enclosure: a cover and a base. Any confusion arising on first encounter can be quickly dispelled by referring to the manufacturer's excellent diagrams.

When the cover, containing the active components is put in place, connecting pins on the PCB plug into a screwed terminal bar in the base.

We experienced some difficulty in attaching the front cover to the base on our test samples, owing to misalignment between the PCB pins and the socket holes in the base terminal bar. The removal of a few microns of material from the bottom stops of the terminal bar and a bit of downward pressure on the bar prior to attaching the cover would have sorted the problem.

The PCB, with the mirror attached, is firmly clipped to the front cover and does not need to be removed at any stage of installation. The pyro-electric detector is hidden behind the mirror and exposed only during mirror change or pet clip insertion operations. The white light filter is held in place by an additional outer cover. Outwardly, the IR120C is very neat and stylish; inwardly it is well designed with a high quality PCB and mirror.

After removing the cover, the terminal bar can be unclipped, leaving a completely empty base. The break-out sections, appropriate to the mounting method and cable entry, can be removed.

It is worth noting that when wall- or corner-mounting, the vertical mounting angle will be determined by the securing holes used. This could be critical when pet immunity is required, or when curtain coverage is used and the detector mounted above a height of 3m. It is all set out clearly in the instructions.

Despite the statements made in the manufacturer's press information, neither the optic chamber nor the enclosure, in our samples, was sealed. Adhesive tamper seal is offered as an optional extra for the enclosure, but with a good overlap and close fit between the cover and base, in our view, the real area of concern should be cable and screw holes in the base.

There appears to be some confusion in the instructions regarding the operation of the walk test LED. Referring to our samples, which were supplied with DIP switch 1 OFF, the LED was enabled and operated in the usual manner – presumably this is what the manufacturer means by "with walk test indicator switched ON".

With DIP switch 1 ON, an input of 0 volts is required at the test terminal to enable the walk test LED: if no input is applied, then the LED is disabled (permanently off!).

Clear guidance is given for setting detector sensitivity (DIP switches 2 and 3).

We mounted the IR120C at a height of 2m in order to carry out walk tests and to assess stability. Under our test conditions, at an ambient temperature of 25 deg C, it performed exceedingly well during walk tests and the stability tests. All tests were carried out with the standard sensitivity setting.

We are not able to comment on the effectiveness of the pet immunity features and can only recommend that the installer follows the manufacturer's instructions and carries out extensive walk testing using the pets involved – where possible. As installers, we generally try to avoid mixing PIRs and pets but appreciate that a well applied set of teeth or claws can add to the overall deterrent effect. Does a pet require a fully paid-up public liability insurance? The manufacturer's instructions are printed in six different languages, along with a set of clearly annotated diagrams.

With the exception already mentioned, the English version of written instructions are clear, concise and easy to follow. In the technical data section, "sabotage contact" has slipped in for "tamper contact".

What the manufacturer says ...
Alarmcom has launched a PIR that provides a high level of protection as well as pet immunity for animals weighing up to 40 kg. The IR120 uses Alarmcom's black triplex mirror technology that increases sensitivity by creating three times as many detection zones as standard devices.

Alarmcom's patented black mirror technology provides a very high level of immunity to interference from white light, making it easier to position the detector in any environment regardless of ambient light. The compact PIR is suitable for rooms with dimensions of up to 10m by 10m and its snap-in design and automatic self-test also make installation easy.

A sealed optic chamber eliminates problems caused by insects and a sealed housing prevents interference by air turbulence. Manufactured by Alarmcom in Switzerland, the IR120 is supplied with a five year warranty.

Alarmcom specialises in the manufacture and distribution of intruder detection, fire detection and CCTV products for use in both commercial and domestic environments. The company provides same day shipment for its entire product range, backed by technical support, training and pre-sales consultancy services.

Overall assessment

The IR120C PIR has four different detector sensitivity settings to cope with all types of infrared environment. Pet immunity features are also included for pets up to 40 kg. It is housed in a neat, attractively styled enclosure. Installation is made easy with all the active components sited in the removable outer cover. The IR120C performed very well during stability testing – carried out on the standard sensitivity setting. The standard of design and manufacture is very good and represents very good value for money. A five-year warranty is included.