Alongside technical expertise, Marilyn Standley, managing director of WSP Facilities Management says she looks for maturity and energy in potential recruits.
The disparate nature of facilities management means that candidates need not only technical experience, but a mature approach and lots of energy.

They also need a flexible approach to work location. Hot-desking and hotelling may be industry buzz words but I must be certain that my team members are prepared to work in various locations.

Most importantly, I look for people with good communication skills and an understanding of customer service.

Once we have found the right people we encourage them to develop their academic and professional skills Like many of our peers, we are very aware of the prevailing skills shortage and recognise that potential candidates are interviewing us as much as we are interviewing them. We offer the global opportunities of WSP Group — and remuneration packages that include performance related incentives.

A good example of the way we encourage recruits to develop their skills is Jean Wright who manages our helpdesk. To enhance her career Jean, who is 50, has taken an Open University syllabus comprising a Professional Certificate in Management, which is complemented by a further course, a Certificate in Call Centre Management. The latter is run by CITEL and is underwritten by the Open University.

Academic courses generated through BIFM, where I am a past president, have produced many fine graduates and conversions.

BIFM runs a modular programme of short courses and an education programme offering three routes towards the BIFM Qualification. Similarly, NVQs can attract funding for operational staff and provide them with preparedness for appropriate industry positions.

There are various trade industry specific qualifications available, but I believe there is a need for the sector to create broader based qualifications for builders, architects and others coming into facilities management.

The demand for good people is increasing faster than we can train them. However, given that the industry is so young, my impatience is probably unjustified. I speak regularly to senior managers in industry and we are all striving for the same levels of academic attainment and operational skills in our staff base and developing those candidates with the right personal characteristics.