My first week as a safety manager. The boss got me my own desk, which Carol the secretary helped me assemble. We had to go to casualty because she got some glue in her eye when I squirted it on the dowels, but after my accident I know the quickest route to hospital. My first deed as safety manager, I thought.
I like Carol. When that eye patch comes off I think I'll ask her round to meet mum.
The boss called me in today to say formally how pleased he was mum had stopped pursuing my claim. He said now that Ricochet Contracting1 was approaching a turnover of £5m, they needed to start taking safety very seriously indeed.
He said that for a long time he'd thought I was the man for the job. Blimey! He kept that a bit quiet. Anyway, now I've been promoted, going to court seems a bit churlish.
Did my first site visit Wednesday. Had to come over all stern because they still hadn't replaced the old plug on the generator. Now, you know how dangerous they can be, I told the boys. Showed them my burns. They made some jokes but said they'd get right on it, so I was pleased to be able to tick that box.
Met the man from the council. He said my risk assessment looked very neat. Didn't tell him I copied it from the CD I got on my safety course. I added some scaffolding detail as well so it should be fine.
Week 2
Carol's eye patch is off but it still looks a bit bloodshot, so will leave it for a while.
Back out on site again this week. The clipboard feels good. Much lighter than bricks. Met the main contractor's safety manager. He's got an HNC in computing and what he can't get off the internet about safety isn't worth printing. He reckons there's loads of money to be made in safety, as all the contractors are too lazy to do it themselves. C.D.M.
Construction Manager
1 All characters and companies named are purely fictitious and any resemblance to an actual company or person is quite frightening and purely co-incidental.
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