A new housing development above a supermarket has been hailed by London mayor Ken Livingstone as an example of the future of the capital's housing.
Writing exclusively in this week's Housing Today about his favourite London housing schemes, Livingstone says: "Searching for imaginative ways of maximising the use of sites like this would deliver a significant proportion of the extra housing capacity London urgently needs."

Osram Court has five storeys with 104 rented family units at sub-market rent.

The flats are arranged around a garden courtyard and sit above a Tesco superstore on the site of the former Osram lightbulb factory in Hammersmith, west London. The estate also has a purpose-built community office, meeting room, roof terrace and children's playground.

The Housing Commission has visited the scheme, as part of a tour of new developments to examine what kind of affordable housing could be achieved through the use of the space above commercial developments.

According to Livingstone the airspace above single-storey supermarkets, retail and leisure "shed"-style premises, petrol stations, schools and GP's surgeries could all be used for housing.