Health and safety 'heavyweights' the British Safety Council and Seton have joined forces for the first time to launch what they see as the 'ultimate safety catalogue'.
Designed as an easy-to-use guide for health and safety and security professionals, the publication carries details of products aimed at offering end user solutions for a safe and secure workplace.

Poor safety management costs the UK £18 billion every year, and a staggering 25 million working days are lost because of accidents and illness at work. The British Safety Council believes that many company bosses are unaware of the financial costs of poor safety systems, regarding them as bureaucratic and unnecessary. Not so.

The Government is certainly taking the issue very seriously, having launched its 'Revitalising Health and Safety' strategy document back in June 2000.

This document includes a 44-point 'action plan' that sets out several targets to be achieved by the year 2010. These include: reducing the incidence of working days lost from work-related injury and ill-health by 30%, reducing the incidence of people suffering from work-related ill-health by 20% and reducing the rate of fatal injuries and accidents by some 10%. For their part, the British Safety Council and Seton have initiated this latest partnership to promote the business benefits of good safety management.

  • The British Safety Council is the leading independent workplace safety organisation in Europe, with more than 12,000 subscribing member companies representing more than 4,000,000 workers in the UK. It's mission is "to promote health, safety and environmental best practice for the increase of productivity and the benefit of society".
  • Seton is one of the UK's leading providers of solutions for a safe, secure workplace – offering over 28,000 workplace safety solutions as well as regulatory expertise.